Group performance

Aligning ourselves fully with the Integrated Reporting Council’s (IIRC) Guidelines, we present our performance in relation to the most material issues for the Group and our key stakeholders.

Performance overview

Key performance indicators

Our business activities have evolved during the last five years and, in 2014, our performance further enhanced our financial position. We have a clear strategic plan for the coming years, which will spearhead our return to growth. We are confident that our vision for sustainable growth can guide us in building the capabilities and resources we need for future success.

Turnover €m




Profit after taxes €m


Lost time injury frequency rate LTIs


Employees (31 December 2014) €m


Specific CO2 emissions/t Product kg


  • (1) To employees for salaries, pensions and social benefits, including additional benefits beyond those provided by law.
  • (2) Part of the environmental expenditures is included in the total of capital expenditures.
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Performance overview

2014 Performance

We use a range of financial and non-financial measures to assess our business performance and our progress against our strategic priorities

Download ‘Performance overview’

Key financial measures


Turnover is revenue received from the sale of goods and services to customers in all regions of operations.

2014 performance



EBITDA is the organic profitability excluding interest, tax, depreciation and amortization.

2014 performance


Key social measures

Social investment

We contribute both financial and non-financial resources toward local development through a range of programs and activities.

2014 performance


Donations made by our companies in 2014.


Within the context of our corporate value of Continuous Improvement, we are committed to a constant process of internal review and analysis. It has been proven that one of the most effective ways to do this is to listen to your employees.

2014 performance


Overall response rate of our employees to the Opinion survey. This survey was cascaded in all countries and operations in waves, reaching 60% of our employees in Q3 and Q4 in 2014.

Key employee measures

LTI frequency rate

Reducing lost time incidents (LTIs) is an important focus for our Health and Safety efforts at our plants and in our operations generally globally.

2014 performance


Percentage change in LTIFR for direct employees in 2014, compared to 2010.

Training man-hours

Our overall investment in training hours is consistently high. We regard it as important to not only enhance current know-how and so improve our operational efficiency, but also to guide people toward best practices.

2014 performance


Total training man-hours in 2014.
This included our Self-Training E-learning Program (STEP), with new modules and sections, for developing our future managers, as well as stakeholder engagement training in our Egyptian operations.

Key environmental measures

CO2 emissions

These are defined as specific CO2 emissions (kg/tProduct).

2014 performance


From 1990 (year base).

Alternative fuel use

Percentage of alternative fuels in the total fuel mix (%Thermal basis).

2014 performance


Compared to 2013.

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